For the longest time ever, I have been building and designing my websites using simple HTML and CSS, and occasionally some JavaScript for the bells and whistles throughout these many websites I have created. Maintaining a personal website using simple HTML and CSS might not necessarily be a bad thing, but it can be quite hard and cumbersome over a long term, and using markdown is always easier and simpler, as well as markup being more readable than traditional HTML markup.

For years, Hugo has always been known for its speed and swiftness when compiling and building websites, which is obviously essential for deploying and building larger websites. While my personal websites were always very simple and not at all that complex, I only estimate that they will get a bit more complex over time, in a positive manner of course. My websites will always be simple and more minimalist but will look better every time. This is the third version of my personal website.

Version one of my website Version one of my website.

Version two of my website Version two of my website.

Miles ahead of the first version, that’s for sure. Yuck.

Kudos to the PaperMod developer, and the many bloggers I have read to inspire me into creating my first blog! I have been successful in creating this beautiful website, and I hope to write many spectacular blogs to come.